let it all out

This Mom Got Diagnosed With Postpartum Rage & Her Very Real Take Is Going Viral

“If anybody has any recommendations on how I can stop being a b*tch, I guess, let me know.”

by Katie Garrity
Originally Published: 
One mom posted on her TikTok, sharing with her followers that she got back from the doctor and was t...
@sammci9 / TikTok

Postpartum depression (PPD) and postpartum anxiety (PPA) are the two more common mental health illnesses that rear their ugly head after giving birth. But there’s another facet to the postpartum experience that is a lot less talked about — postpartum rage.

When diagnosed with postpartum rage, many women experience feelings of intense anger, sometimes resulting in explosive rage in the postpartum period. Motherhood can be an isolating and lonely experience, especially during the early months. There’s this expectation that women are supposed to “do it all,” and not ask for help. The “villages” that raised children in the past suddenly disappeared. No wonder moms are so pissed.

One mom posted on her TikTok, sharing with her followers that she got back from the doctor and was told she was experiencing postpartum rage.

“Had my six-week postpartum checkup today. Got diagnosed with postpartum rage. No shocker there,” TikTok mom, Sam McIntosh, says with a deadpan delivery.

“So, if anybody has any recommendations on how I can stop being a bitch, I guess, let me know.”

Postpartum rage is a serious condition and should be handled as such, but McIntosh’s approach to the new diagnosis with humor struck a chord with other moms who commented on the video which now had almost half a million views.

“Still having postpartum rage…baby is almost 40,” one user joked.

Another joked, “I currently have pregnancy rage lol.”

“Post partum rage!? I call it being the mom,” another said.

Some other users offered some constructive advice for Sam on how to stop being such a b*tch.

“I punched my bathroom mirror out and felt a lot better! ...” one user said.

“Make your husband go away lol worked for me,” another wrote.

McIntosh replied, “Mines the only one who helps with my rage 😅 he handles all the stuff that makes me mad for me”

Some offered true words of encouragement, telling McIntosh to take breaks when she feels on edge.

“When it feels overwhelming. Put baby in a safe space, walk away and take a few moments for yourself momma! You got this!” one user wrote.

“Postpartum rage is a thing ? I’ve had 3 babies and everyone just said it was hormones,” one user asked.

This is the kind of narrative women are told when it comes to their thoughts and feelings during those tough postpartum months. ‘It’s just hormones! You’re just tired from lack of sleep!’

In reality, as much as 22% of new mothers experience some type of postpartum mood disorder. That’s nearly 1 out of every 4 moms. One 2018 study by researchers at the University of British Columbia found that rage is a “very common symptom of postpartum depression and one that has been woefully overlooked.”

In a follow-up video, McIntosh says that her doctor recommended therapy for her postpartum rage. She thinks TikTok might be just the space to vent her grievances.

“This app is cheaper so, I'm just gonna come on here, I think, once a week and compile a list of all the things that send me into a fit of postpartum rage and talk about them on here and let it out,” Sam said.

“Does it look like I have time for therapy? I mean seriously!”

McIntosh knew something was off with her mental health before she went in for her six-week check-up, some of the smaller things that used to roll off her back were suddenly setting her off.

“I definitely had a feeling I was experiencing postpartum rage due to feeling externally short-fused. Things that typically wouldn’t bother me much would send me into these horrible fits of anger,” she admits to Scary Mommy.

So, when the doctor told her that she was experiencing postpartum rage, she wasn’t shocked.

“I wasn’t surprised when I was told I had it because I could tell this was something that was so unlike myself and was something I wanted to work on. Having a baby is supposed to be the happiest time of our life, so I knew it wasn’t normal to be filled with so much rage,” she says.

Though she joked about using TikTok as her therapy, McIntosh is seeking out professional help.

She explains, “I’m doing ok now and am working with my midwife and therapist to find what works best for me to get myself feeling more emotionally leveled out.”

This article was originally published on