
Need A Creative Activity For Your Kiddo? These Parrot Coloring Pages Fit The Bill

by Deirdre Kaye
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Parrot Coloring pages
Aaron Katz/Unsplash

Did you know there are 398 species of parrot? It’s true! With so many “options,” it’s easy to see why these incredible birds make such a popular pet. Seeking a bird friend whose feathers are a mix of lovely blue shades? There’s one in the parrot family. Think it’d be absolutely adorable to have two bonded, colorful birds huddled together in their cage hung by the window? Look no further than lovebirds. Even those rainbow-colored birds you feed at the zoo, Lorikeets, are from the parrot family. Most parrot species are known for their vibrantly colored feathers, which makes them the perfect subjects for parrot coloring pages — not to mention a ton of fun for creative-minded kids.

Since parrots come in such a wide range of colors and patterns, your little artist can feel free to be as creative as they want. Plus, coloring isn’t just a way to keep your tiny human parrot quiet, it’s developmentally beneficial, too. Learning to color and draw ignites your child’s imagination. Practicing staying inside the lines helps your kiddo learn to follow directions and self-regulate. Plus, ya know, it helps with hand-eye coordination. Coloring isn’t just “busy work” or a fun, quiet activity; it’s a necessary skill little ones need to move up in school. They’ll even need it later on when coloring in those bubble letters on their class president campaign signs.

These coloring pages are our boldest yet. Or, well, they will be once you turn your kiddo loose. We’ve also sprinkled in some pretty nifty parrot facts, so you can unleash a little knowledge on your kids while they work on that hand-eye coordination. And if you want your little one to hone those hand-eye skills more, check out our nature coloring pages, ladybug coloring pages, pig coloring pages, and more.

Free Parrot Coloring Pages

Parrot No. 1

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Look at this chonky guy! Did you know that parrots taste with the roofs of their mouths? Fun fact: Parrots only have about 300 taste buds in comparison to the 10,000 taste buds we have. But these birds are still (mostly) omnivores that eat a mix of food, including meat! Their beaks are also nothing to play with. Large macaws especially, their beaks are strong enough to bust open a metal cage. Did you know ravens are just as good at mimicking human speech as parrots? They can also make car engine or toilet flushing sounds.

Parrot No. 2

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We’re smitten with this cheeky guy. By the shape of those heart-shaped pupils, he’s gotta be a lovebird. This species of parrot is one of the smallest and comes in nine sub-species. Parrots are also super smarty pants. We all know they can mimic speech, but did you know they can add, subtract and understand the meaning of zero? Talk about a math wiz.

Parrot No. 3

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Now that we know parrots can come in all shapes and sizes (some can even weigh as much as your chihuahua), ask your kiddo to dream up their ideal parrot and color it on this page. Can you search out a pink and purple parrot that looks like the one they created to learn some species-specific facts? Einstein, an African grey parrot in the Knoxville Zoo in Tennessee, can say about 200 words.

Parrot No. 4

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Want to know an interesting fact about parrot couples? They often look near-identical. Researchers have found that many parrots seek out mates that look like them. Sometimes, the only way to tell a male and female apart is to test their DNA. (Or, ya know, wait to see which one lays the eggs.) Sadly, a third of the parrot population may go extinct because of poaching and the destruction of their homes.

Parrot No. 5

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Of course, not all parrot pairs look identical! The Solomon Island Eclectus male and female look so different from each other that they were once thought to be two different species. The males are bright tropical green, while the females are typically red and purple. A rare bright blue subspecies also exists, and Electus chicks of each gender are sometimes born with markings of the opposite sex’s colors.

Parrot No. 6

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Before adopting a parrot, it can be both wise and compassionate to consider your age. A parrot’s average lifespan is between 30 to 50 years. You wouldn’t want them to outlive you and end up in a shelter, right? Another shocker: The Brookfield Zoo in Chicago was once home to the world’s oldest parrot. Cookie the (pale pink Major Mitchell’s) cockatoo died in 2016 at the ripe old age of 82!

Parrot No. 7

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No one:

Literally still no one: Black palm cockatoo: “I’m goth, OK?”

Sure, the black palm cockatoo’s inky exterior sorta makes it look like it has a dark heart. In reality, though, this truly gorgeous bird is known for being pretty social. Also, check out that flash of red eye makeup! Who’s their stylist? Fun fact: There’s a parrot named Waldo that is in a death metal band called Hatebeak.

Parrot No. 8

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Did you know most parrots are something called zygodactyl? That means their four “toes” are arranged in a two-in-front and two-in-back set-up. This allows for optimal grip, which probably comes in handy when they get distracted by talking so much! So if you’re looking for a talkative and longtime companion, parrots are perfect. They can live for over 6o years. Parrots also have really big flocks that range from 10 to 30 birds!

Parrot No. 9

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We know you think your toddler is smart… but are they as smart as Puck? In 1995, Puck the parakeet joined the Guinness Book of World Records by knowing more than 1700 words. Kiddo not quite there yet? Oh, just give them time. They’ll get there, and you’ll wonder if they have a 1700-words-per-hour quota they have to hit every day. Fun fact: Parrots are the only birds that can use their feet to feed themselves. And like people have a preference between their right and left hand, parrots feel the same about their feet.

Parrot No. 10

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The black palm cockatoo is our favorite parrot, but what’s yours? If you’re still deciding, how about checking out New Zealand’s Kea? Keas live on the South Island and are the world’s only alpine parrot, meaning they live in the mountains. Keas are known for their brave and bold personalities, which often leads to them “terrorizing” skiers and stealing small items left out at the local resort. Keas give new meaning to the term plucky, eh?

Parrot No. 11

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Parrots are such a unique and beautiful breed of birds, even poetry about them is delightful. Here’s a snippet from a poem called The Parrots’ Symphony.

“…A delightful sight with wonder,

A parrots’ parade in the blue sky, A profusion of green birds flying together. Only once before I have seen One hundred and more parrots together, On a single tree in Silent Valley of Kerala, O! An unforgettable sight stored in my memory…”

by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

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