
Move Over, Peanut Butter Cups, You've Been Upgraded

by Katie Bingham-Smith
Originally Published: 
Courtesy of Katie Bingham-Smith

Chocolate and peanut butter is the GOAT splurge as far as I’m concerned. If I want candy, I grab the peanut butter cups. If I want ice cream, I always get something with chocolate and peanut butter. Oh and PSA: If you go to your favorite ice cream place, and you get your favorite chocolate treat and add peanut butter sauce, it takes it to another level.

I love taking candy and dipping it in peanut butter. And if you ever get the urge to dunk a chocolate chip cookie on a jar of nut butter, give in. It will change your life.

I’m also a glutton for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I don’t lay on some measly, thin layer either. No. That shit has to be glopped on. I want my ‘wich to weigh in at about two pounds when I get done spreading. It needs to have filling oozing out the sides of my crust and I want to taste fruity and peanutty layers when I bite down on the soft bread.


I once had a PB&J from a restaurant that was grilled. As in, they made it in a frying pan with butter the same way you would grill a grilled cheese. Only it was filled with peanut goodness and warm jam.

I know.

I love all kinds of jellies and jams too, I’ve been known to eat cherry preserves out of the jar and don’t care if there are seeds, no seeds, or large chunks of fruit. Give me all the fruit in a jar.

It occurred to me the other day I haven’t made peanut butter cups in a long time. I used to make them when the kids were younger because it was something fun to do together. Also, you can make homemade cups much larger than the ones you buy at the store.

I got the supplies at the grocery store and stopped off to get some raspberry jelly since my daughter asked for it (we are in the toast part of quarantine).

As all the ingredients were snuggled together in my cart it occurred to me that chocolate and fruit is good. Peanut butter and fruit is good. Peanut butter and chocolate is good. So, there’s no reason why the three wouldn’t be dyno together.

I couldn’t run home fast enough to make these little suckers and let me tell you — they were better than expected.

After the chocolate set up, I tried one and I loved the texture of my new favorite dessert. First, you get a satisfying chomp into the chocolate. Then, you taste the salty peanut butter. But hold up, because while the jelly is sweet, it has the perfect amount of tang which makes the chocolate even better.

My son likes to put his in the freezer, but I prefer mine at room temperature. They are messy but that’s okay. I’m always looking for an excuse to eat something over the kitchen sink anyway.

These are a simple no-bake dessert you can whip up with just a few ingredients.

This is what you will need to make six peanut butter and jelly cups:

  • 1 12-oz bag of chocolate chips. I used milk chocolate because it’s my favorite. I do think dark chocolate might be a little better (if that’s possible) because jelly adds extra sweetness. Better yet, maybe try both chocolates.
  • 1 jar of jelly. This is your call. I can’t think of any kind of fruit-based jam, jelly, or preserve that wouldn’t work here.
  • Peanut (or any nut or seed butter) of your choice.
  • Cupcake holders.

Melt your chocolate chips by putting them in a bowl in the microwave (I like to do this in 20 second increments and give the chips a stir in between).

Line a muffin tin with your cupcake wrappers and spread a layer of chocolate on the bottom of each using a spoon. You want to use a heaping spoonful so you can spread the chocolate on the bottom, and use the back of the spoon to bring the chocolate about halfway up the sides of the wrappers, forming a chocolate “bowl” in each one.

Pop in the freezer for a few minutes to set up.

Add a tablespoon of peanut butter and jelly, spreading with the back of the spoon to get even coverage. (Very important).

Then, top with remaining chocolate and use the back of the spoon to spread it over the entire cup.

Katie Bingham-Smith

Try these. Or don’t; I can’t tell you how to live your life. But I will say, neglecting to make these will mean you are missing out on a great life experience.

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