Diana Park

not gonna happen

There’s Absolutely Nothing Wrong With You If You Haven’t Found Love After Divorce

ByDiana Park

Don’t settle.


My Dad Doesn’t Take Care Of Himself & It Makes Me Angry

ByDiana Park

He won’t listen to his doctors, and I’m so tired.

getting real

I Learned To Cut Myself Some Slack, For My Kids’ Sake

ByDiana Park

I’d lie in bed regretting that I’d yelled or lost my patience too quickly.


Actually, You Don’t Have To Give Second Chances To People Who Don’t Deserve Them

ByDiana Park

I am done with excuses.

getting real

Nobody Gets It Like My Divorced Friends

ByDiana Park

You just can’t understand until you’ve been there.

Full acceptance

My Gen Z Kids Don’t Need Anybody Telling Them How To Live

ByDiana Park

Sometimes their confidence can be annoying. But look how far we’ve come from our toxic childhoods.

the more things change...

Gen Z Parties Totally Different Than We Did

ByDiana Park

For one thing, going out in pajamas and slippers is the norm.

Growing up

What I Want My Gen-Z Kids To Understand About My ‘Overprotective’ Gen-X Parenting

ByDiana Park

I think a lot of us are reacting to how they were raised, just like I did.

Growing Pains

Let Your Kid Pull Away. They'll Be Back.

ByDiana Park

I took a step back, but kept a close eye.

everything changed

The Best Sex Of My Life Came After My Divorce

ByDiana Park

I finally spoke up about what I wanted and didn’t hold back.

turning the page

I Finally Forgave My Mom

ByDiana Park

For the sake of my health, I moved on.

gray zone of unresolved feelings

We Didn’t Go To Counseling & I Regret It

ByDiana Park

Maybe it would have saved our marriage.

Yup, it all sucks

My Teenager Is Becoming An Adult. It’s Hard To Watch.

ByDiana Park

Yup, I hate adulting too but we gotta teach our kids life skills.


My Entire World Changed Once I Realized I Didn’t Need A Man To Take Care Of Me

ByDiana Park

I had such a clear picture of my life — and then it all went sideways.

Filtered Life

Teaching My Daughter That Most Of What She Sees Online Isn’t Real Feels Impossible

ByDiana Park

It got to be a real concern way faster than I ever anticipated.

It takes time

Don’t Worry If Your High Schooler Doesn’t Have Much Of A Social Life

ByDiana Park

Sometimes they just haven’t found their group.

Just listen

Please Just Keep Your Mouth Shut When Your Friends Rant About Their Partners

ByDiana Park

A listening ear goes a super long way.

Confession Time

It Sucks To Watch My Ex Take Our Kids On Fancy Vacations

ByDiana Park

But I have to keep my mouth shut.

Sounds perfect

My Kids Can Live At Home For As Long As They Want

ByDiana Park

I don’t care about other people’s opinions; we are happy together as-is.

dry spell

I Haven’t Had Sex In A Year & I’m Not Okay

ByDiana Park

I’ll be honest, if this dry spell continues much longer, I might start entertaining the idea of bad sex.