
Schools Out! The Best Summer Jobs Your Teen Will Love

by Kelly Schremph
Originally Published: 
summer jobs for teens, Teen looking on the internet for jobs

Once again the summer season is upon us, and unlike the nightmarish year of 2020, we can actually start participating in fun activities again (as long as you’re fully vaccinated, of course). But while parents are undoubtedly eager for their kids to enjoy some fun in the sun, those with older children may be curious about what possible summer jobs their teenagers could partake in to help them learn about responsibility and earn some extra money along the way.

Now, the great thing about summer jobs is that you don’t need a ton of experience in order to qualify for the position since they are mostly all entry-level tasks. However, if there are a lot of teenagers in the area, finding the perfect summer job for your teen could get pretty competitive, so the more options you know about, the better off you’ll most likely be. Though, keep in mind that every town or city is different and may not have some of these jobs as readily available as other locations. But in general, there are a few tried and true summer jobs that can be found almost anywhere and prove to be both fun and educational for your growing teen.

What is a summer job?

It may sound silly, but it’s important to know how a summer job differs from a regular job. The answer is fairly straightforward. While a regular job has the potential to last long-term, a summer job is meant to last, well, just for the summer. This makes it the perfect setup for teenagers who are off from school during that exact time, starting in May/June and lasting until the fall.

What is a good summer job for teenagers?

Every individual is different, so chances are your teen will gravitate toward some jobs over others, but overall there are some great options available to young adults that cover a wide range of interests.

  • Camp Counselor: Not only is this the perfect way for your teen to get lots of fresh air in the great outdoors, but it also allows them to step into a leadership role by watching over a group of younger kids and supervising/organizing a bunch of fun activities. Heck, it might even give them a better appreciation for the responsibilities parents are faced with on a daily basis.
  • Babysitting: This is a classic job for teenagers during the summer since school is out and parents are in need of someone to look after their kids while they’re at work. Hours can vary depending on how much a babysitter is needed, which makes for a flexible work schedule. Not to mention it’ll help your teen flex their creative chops by coming up with fun games and activities to do with each kid. And as we parents know, entertaining tiny humans is no easy feat.
  • House Sitter: During the summer, many households pack up to go on long vacations, but the homes they leave behind still need a level of maintenance. Hiring a teen to visit a home periodically deters robbers looking to take advantage of an empty house. Also, the house sitter can check the mail, do a little dusting, and, if the homeowner has plants, the house sitter can water them.
  • Dog Walker: The job is pretty straightforward, it can be a source of great exercise, plus you get to hang out with adorable, furry pups all day long. What could be better than that?
  • Lifeguard: Obviously, this job requires your teen to be an expert swimmer. They’d also need to pass the various training, CPR, and first aid courses that are required for the position. But once that’s done, being a lifeguard can be a pretty sweet gig. The bulk of their time would be spent hanging out by the pool or at the beach all day. However, there’s also a lot of added responsibility on their shoulders should someone need rescuing.
  • Lawn Maintenance: If your teen loves spending time outside and doesn’t suffer from any serious allergies, this could be a great way to make some extra cash. Lots of neighbors are always looking for someone to take care of their lawn and once you build up an impressive reputation, you could build a loyal clientele.
  • Tutor: If your teen does really well in school and would like to try to pass on their academic success to others, tutoring is a great option at their disposal. It could even inspire them to become a teacher themselves down the line, or at the very least, to better appreciate all of the hard work and dedication their own teachers put into the job.
  • Movie Theater Worker: If you have a kid who prefers being indoors and has an interest in entertainment, becoming a movie theater employee could be just the ticket (pun intended). Whether that means working at the box office, concession stand, or serving as a member of the clean-up crew, there’s something for everyone at this job.
  • Golf Caddy: Summer means golf will be in full swing (OK, OK, no more puns). This also means that many golfers will be looking for golf caddies aka someone to assist them out on the course by carrying their clubs, handing them the right driver or putter, etc. It can be tiring work, but along with an hourly wage, a lot of caddies get tips as well, which can prove to be pretty profitable.
  • Car Washer: Between all the summer road trips and vacations, people aren’t the only things that need to be sprayed with cool water every now and then. We’re talking about car washing, and during the sunnier months, people tend to take extra pride in their vehicles. Not only is this a job that keeps you cool in the summer heat, but you can get friends to help and wash several cars throughout the week. More cars equal more money!

Summer jobs aren’t meant to last long, but it’s a great way for your teen to get a better sense of what they’re interested in and could help pave the way for their future career down the line. Or, you know, it just remains a summer job. But either way, it’ll offer up some great life experience they’ll end up thanking you for someday.

Tips for Teens With Summer Jobs

Getting a job is half the battle. To keep a summer gig, it’s important for teens to maintain a level of professionalism and respect, no matter what their job is. Here are a few tips for your teen to keep in mind.

  • Speak clearly. Sometimes a message can get lost if you have a habit of talking too fast or mumbling. You want your employer and the people you interact with to always be able to understand you.
  • Come to work clean and in the proper attire. For example, if you work at the movie theaters, your shirt should smell fresh and be pressed.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions and listen. It’s the only way to know what to do!

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