
Chrissy Teigen's Son Miles Knocked Out His Sister Luna's Tooth

The 4-year-old son of Teigen and husband John Legend 'accidentally' hit 6-year-old Luna while the two were playing.

by Marie Holmes
Chrissy Teigen with her two children. Her daughter Luna just lost a baby tooth play-fighting with he...
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

With twenty baby teeth to lose in childhood, everyone ends up with a surprising story about at least one of them. It might involve a slip on the monkey bars, a well-timed bite of apple, or even a piece of string tied to a doorknob. For Luna Stephens, the 6-year-old daughter of Chrissy Teigen and husband John Legend, it is a blow to the mouth from her 4-year-old brother, Miles.

Whether or not this tops the story of her first lost tooth, which fell down the sink drain and was subsequently rescued by a plumber with a tiny, roving camera, will be up to Luna to decide.

Teigen documented the abrupt loss of the most recent tooth with a video posted to her Instagram story. Both kids come clambering into the house in their wet bathing suits and Miles — perhaps a little proudly — declares, “Mom! I got Luna’s tooth out!”

Teigen reacts with the calm of a veteran mom, saying, “You did?” with a giggle.

“It just came out,” Miles says in an attempt to explain that the two were playing and he meant no harm.

In a touching moment of big sister protectiveness, Luna steps in to clarify that the injury was unintentional, and not serious.

“He accidentally did it,” she said, presenting the tooth and opening her mouth to reveal what’s at least a double gap, front and center. Between the purple goggles that she’s still wearing and her purple nail polish, the image couldn’t be more perfect.


Luna has been raking it in lately from the tooth fairy. Just ten days ago, Teigen posted a sweet photo of herself snuggling with her daughter, who is grinning wide to show off the missing tooth. “Tooth fairy time!” Teigen captioned the photo.

Luna and Miles are both active kiddos and no strangers to play fighting, so it’s not hard to imagine how a loose tooth could get knocked out by an accidental bump.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Teigen posted photos of both kids on the move, with Luna clad in a makeshift karate costume with a stocking belt, and Miles happily hanging off his dad’s back.

“These two are keeping it exciting these days,” wrote Teigen. “I’ve also never seen such competitive human beings in my life. I swear we are keeping both of them but they act like we are fixin to ditch one.”