Here Comes The Sun! 80+ Warm And Wonderful Baby Names Inspired By The Sun

What is more inspiring than the sun? That giant fireball in the sky sustains all life and fills the air around us with warmth and energy. Pretty much since the dawn (get it?) of human existence, the sun has played an integral role in human life. Nearly every culture boasts of a sun god, and throughout religious texts, ancient and modern, the sun is used to teach valuable lessons and symbolize life, royalty, and power. So it’s no surprise to learn parents are choosing baby names that mean sun for their kids. Settling on a baby name so specific more than hints at a love of mythology and history, it also offers a peek at your own personality, the same way choosing a fairy name or mermaid name might.
Luckily, if you’re interested in a sun-inspired name, there are a ton of great options. Don’t like any of these? Check out names that mean fire. There’s a bit of overlap, but still plenty of fresh ideas.
Some of these options may not fit the bill for a first name. But short names like Helio or Ra could be super cool for a boy’s middle name. And options like Liane (so similar to the ever-popular “Lee”) work well for a middle name for girls.
One of our favorite sun names is Kiran. Depending on who you ask, it could be a girl or boy’s name. It’s even pretty gender-neutral. While versions of Kiran exist in other cultures, this time we’re focused on the Sanskrit iteration of the name meaning “Sunbeam.” It’s most notably popular in Nepal, Pakistan, and India. And “sunbeam?” C’mon! We’re in love with this name, especially for a rainbow baby or a long-awaited firstborn. It’s just precious.
If a name means sun, but also hints at a Disney obsession is your thing, look no further than Aurora. The name means “dawn,” and most notably, in mythology, Aurora was the name of the Roman goddess of the sunrise. It’s said the morning dew is created from her tears and she traveled across the sky each day on a quest for self-renewal. Of course, we all really remember the name Aurora thanks to Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, right? While Aurora may have at one point not been very popular, it’s been jumping up the name charts a little each year. At number 40 in the United States as of this writing, it’s still far enough down your little princess shouldn’t end up in a class with another Aurora.
Boys Names That Mean Sun
Apollo Cyrus Cymbeline Gisli Helio Horus Ishaan Kiran Mehr Mehrdad Mehrnaz Mzia Ra Ravi Ravindr Samson Sol Soniva Sulien Surya Taner
Girls Names That Mean Sun
Aine Alba Aurora Cyra Dawn Elanor Eldora Ellen Eliane Helen Helia Idalia Kalinda Liane Malina Marisol Naranbaatar Narangerel Narantsetseg Nou Oriana Savita Solana Soleil Sunniva
Names That Mean Sun with Arabic Origin
Alamafruz Anar Anarat Anwaar Anwara Anwari Ashal Asna Atheer Bareeq Bari Bazigh Bazigha Duriya Eleanor Inara Ishraq Mahnoor Zahian Zaufishan Ziya Zoeya Zoraiz Zoreza Zulnoorain
Sun Gods
Amaterasu: A Japanese sun goddess is a deity in the Shinto religion.
Arinna: Arinna is a Syrian goddess and the most important Hittite sun deity. Freyr: This Norse sun god is also linked to fertility. Helios (Helius): In Greek culture, Helius was the sun god before Apollo. Hepa: This Hittite sun goddess is a weather god who was fused with the sun goddess Arinna. Huitzilopochtli (Uitzilopochtli): This is an Aztec sun god. Inti: Inti is an Inca god and the national patron of the Inca state. Kinich Ahau: This solar deity is a Mayan sun god with a strange nose, eyes, and incredibly sharp teeth. Liza: This is a West African sun god. Lugh: Lugh is a sun god from Celtic mythology. He is considered a hero and a very persistent god. Sol (Sunna): This Norse sun goddess rides in a horse-drawn solar chariot. Surya: This Hindu sun god rides in the sky in a horse-drawn chariot. Tonatiuh: Tonatiuh is an Aztec sun God. Utu: This is a Mesopotamian Sun gun.
Looking for more naming inspiration? No worries! Naming that fresh hunk of precious baby can be quite the challenge. You might want to try names that fit within your heritage, like African names or Dutch names. We also love one-syllable names for boys, as well as unique middle names for girls. Don’t forget that whatever you choose to name your little bundle of joy, it is sure to bring both delight and eye-rolls. At the end of the day, it’s whatever you love best. A baby might grow to hate their name and change it or learn to love it even more as they grow older and learn its meaning. Names aren’t as permanent as they seem and they only hold as much value as you give them. Plus, there’s always the option to just call them by a cool nickname.
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