You Can Now Buy A Jason Momoa Coloring Book, So 2021 Is Looking Up

An adult coloring book celebrating Jason Momoa (and his physique) is now available
While many statuettes were handed out at Sunday’s Golden Globes, let’s be honest — the real winners of the night were Jason Momoa’s biceps. Sure, the Aquaman star arrived in a jewel-tone velvet blazer. But when “wifey” Lisa Bonet got the chills, he put both his chivalry and muscles on display by draping his outerwear over her shoulders. For the rest of the night, he rocked a simple black tank top and, well, it’s still the talk of the town.
If you can’t get Momoa’s impressive arms out of your mind, illustrator Maurizio Campidelli has just the thing for you: a coloring book that allows you to trace every inch of Momoa’s ripped bod… with crayons and colored pencils, naturally. Titled Crush and Color: Jason Momoa “A Coloring Book of Fantasies With an Epic Dreamboat,” it was released on January 7.
And for the bargain price of 12 bucks, um, it’s a no-brainer. As a matter of fact, we’re ordering it and filing it under “self-care.”
So, what can you expect from this important contribution to society?
According to Campidelli, it’s “a collection of daydreams come to life.” Over the course of 35 pages, you’ll be able to immerse yourself in a world where Momoa reigns supreme. “Let him take the helm on a sunset sail, witness impressive physical strength as he scales a colossal cliffside, and take in the serenity of quieter moments through colorable works of art,” the illustrator waxes poetic. “Caught on every page is Jason Momoa’s breezy charm and irresistible vigor ready for coloring detail.”
In the book’s pages, Momoa also swims with sharks, takes a bath, lounges on the bed, cooks a steak, walks his dogs, rides a horse (topless, natch), chops down a tree, surfs, mows the lawn, and more.
And, hey, Campidelli has basically thought of everything. Want to hang one of your Momoa masterpieces on the wall? The coloring book features perforated pages that “make it easy to display the object of your romance or bromance.”
With global headlines getting more stressful by the minute, it certainly couldn’t hurt to get lost in page-upon-page of Momoa’s biceps for a few minutes. Studies support the idea that adult coloring books boast mental health benefits. Plus, staring at someone attractive causes your brain to start pumping out dopamine, which makes you feel giddy.
In other words, there should be no shame in your Momoa coloring game. And once you’ve masterfully filled in his physique, you can move on to other stars in the Crush and Color series — books immortalizing Keanu Reeves and Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson are slated for release this year.
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