These Are The Things You REALLY Need for A Baby: Our Favorite Newborn Essentials

Figuring out the things you need for a baby is one of the many stressful aspects of pregnancy, especially if it’s your first. Attempting to create a baby registry is overwhelming enough, and if you’re not even sure what you need, narrowing down newborn essentials is a task all its own. After all, there’s so much baby stuff you just don’t need, and it’s hard to see clearly when everything is so foreign and unfamiliar (and also teddy bear or fox-shaped or in the form of a dinosaur). So, what do you actually need for a baby? (Ah, the first kids riddle of parenthood … welcome to the club!) The truth is, you don’t need all that much as a new mom, so go ahead and breathe a sigh of relief. *Inhale … exhale.*
That said, there are some things babies need (of course), so make the task a bit easier, we’ve narrowed down the bare necessities for you and your LO so you’re not inundated with unnecessary baby stuff. Add these must-haves to your registry first, and your major boxes will be checked — the rest is extra. Now, you can spend less time stressing over newborn essentials, and more time eating ice cream from the carton. Because, girlfriend, those days are numbered, so enjoy them while you can.
Things Babies Need #1: Changing & Keeping Clean
Things Babies Need #2: Essentials For Feeding
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Things Babies Need #3: Sleeping & Lounging
Things Babies Need #4: Newborn Baby Travel Essentials
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