Tinker Around With These 10 Nostalgic Toy Coloring Pages

Sometimes kids need a different outlet for their energy. They’ve dunked the ball in the little basketball hoop a million times and given a million high-fives each time. They’ve exhausted the batteries in their Little People barn. And, yes, they’ve exhausted you, too. So, why not hand over some coloring pages? Sure, you could pick up a coloring book from any Target or Dollar Tree in America — but if you want something truly original, sometimes the only answer is the internet. That’s where we come in! If your budding artist’s interests are broad (or they’re a little too young to have full-blown obsessions over anything other than Mama), the following collection of toy coloring pages is perfect. Why? Well, they’re filled with all the toys your cutie can find in their toy box. They’re familiar but in a different, 2D perspective.
Plus, coloring offers loads of skill-building opportunities. Practicing staying seated and staying in the lines teaches them both bodily control and hand-eye coordination. Your babe’s going to need that when they start kindergarten. And don’t worry; we’ve got coloring pages for just about any interest a child might have, from cute puppy coloring pages to fearsome shark coloring pages. Does your kid adore Fiona the hippo? We have hippo coloring pages. Are they interested in farming, like their great-grandpa? Then they’ll probably like our farm coloring pages, tractor coloring pages, and even garden coloring pages.
So, grab the crayons, hunker down at a table, and go to work. We’ve even included some info on why some of these toys are extra beneficial for your child’s development. Have fun!
Free Printable Toy Coloring Pages
Toys Page No. 1
Everything here is super-fun for kids, but that soccer ball plays an especially important role. Studies have shown that teaching our kids to play sports can have significant benefits to their health. In addition, regular physical activity and time spent outdoors have been proven to relieve anxiety and boost self-esteem.
Toys Page No. 2
Well, isn’t this just an adorable vacation in a suitcase? We already know the benefits of a little Vitamin D and Vitamin Sea. But, here’s another way to look at this coloring page: How about letting it inspire a game of I-Spy? Toss a random collection of things into a bag or suitcase. Use descriptor words, like “hard,” “rounded,” or “bouncy” to help your kiddos find the exact toy you “spy.”
Toys Page No. 3
Did you know that even infants can enjoy balloons? Loosely tying a balloon to an infant’s foot or hand gives them something to watch and track, which helps them practice their early hand-eye coordination. It’s also one of the very first cause-and-effect lessons you can teach. Just make sure this activity is done under strict supervision.
Toys Page No. 4
Things that “go” are other great toy options for kids. It’s their chance to practice car or train noises. You can also talk about the coloring you use to fill them in and give them flair. Finally, pushing around cars and trucks helps your kiddo develop their fine motor skills.
Toys Page No. 5
Oh, look! Crayons on a coloring page! (Is this meta?) We’ve already briefly discussed the skill-building aspects of coloring, but you can also use coloring for knowledge-building. Talk about primary colors and how mixing them creates secondary colors.
Toys Page No. 6
Education experts recommend reading to your kid (and/or having them read to themselves) for at least 15 minutes a day. Reading may reduce stress and fight depression. Another pro? Reading books about people who live different lives from us helps teach empathy. And, of course, it helps kids’ brains grow and develop and widens their vocabulary. Go ahead and kick start that vocabulary growth by letting your little one know that the word toy derives from the old English word “tool.” So, toys are basically tools for fun!
Toys Page No. 7
Another great way to help your child learn empathy? Playing with dolls! Most doll play starts as children learn to mimic life around them. Toddlers will feed, dress, or soothe their babies. Bigger kids might process things they see on television or hear at school by “acting out” scenarios with their dolls. As they go through those scenarios, they’re processing feelings. Then, of course, they might graduate to dolls like Barbies, where they can see her take on various roles — from doctor to Olympic soccer player to zoologist — proving that there are no limits in life.
Toys Page No. 8
Blocks and puzzles both teach spatial reasoning. They also aid in hand-eye coordination. Those are pretty cool, but did you know drumming can be beneficial to your child’s development, too? Drums can boost hand-eye coordination and help your little one master impulse control as they learn to drum out a beat instead of just banging haphazardly.
Toys Page No. 9
Flying kites seems like such a quiet, simple activity, and it is! But there’s much to learn from kite flying, too. For example, following a kite through the sky stimulates and exercises the eye. Similarly, the work you put into flying a kite can be an excellent gentle exercise for your back, neck, and shoulders. It’s little wonder flying kites is such a popular pastime. In fact, over 50 million kites are sold a year. And while you’re likely to see several in the air when you visit popular kite-flying spots like the beach, you probably won’t see 11,284 in a line — that’s the greatest number of kites flown together to date.
Toys Page No. 10
Rocking horses offer a multitude of development and growth benefits as well. For starters, giving your kiddo the chance to go buck wild on their rocking horse and pretend to be a cowgirl certainly improves their imagination. But it’s also a bit of exercise and, believe it or not, can help improve their balance. And isn’t that toy soldier just adorable? Before children played with them, military leaders used them to plan out attacks.
Click here to print all of the toy coloring pages at once!
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